Welcome to Jamworks!

Let's get started

Jamworks writes your notes, creates your flashcards and answers your questions.

Join the world’s most advanced AI study tool!

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Study stress free

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Step 1: Set your password

Check your email! You’ll have an email from your administrator inviting you to Jamworks and to set your password.

Step 2: Select the Jamworks recording link in your LMS

Once you have set your password and logged in, go to your LMS (Moodle / Canvas / Blackboard) and navigate to the relevant course.

From here, look for the Jamworks recording link which will have been placed here by your university. Once you find the link, select it to open it in Jamworks.

Step 3: Review your recording

You can either review your recording now, right after selecting the link, or if you want to come back at a later date your video will now be stored in the ‘shared with me’ tab on your recordings list.

Jamworks best ai note taker for students example

Feature demonstrations

Key Points

Flashcards / JamQuiz

Jamworks Mobile

Accessibility Adjustments

JamAI Chatbot

Jamworks in 2 minutes

Jamworks & Panopto

You're all set!

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Want more info on Jamworks?

Jamworks is an AI tool that will support you with AI summaries, flashcards, and an AI chatbot.

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Enter your name and email address below and you’ll have an access link straight in your inbox.