How much DSA can I get for Anxiety?

male student in a library in a slump

There are a range of anxiety disorders which students can be diagnosed with that impact their learning and study ability. Therefore, students with a form of anxiety diagnosis are eligible to receive Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) which is a non- repayable grant available to students who’s learning is impacted by their disabilities. Do I have […]

What you’re entitled to: How much DSA for mental health conditions

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant that is available to students who’s learning is impacted by their disabilities and diagnosed conditions. There are a wide range of mental health conditions which students are diagnosed with that can cause them to struggle academically as a result and therefore stand as an eligibility to receive […]

How much DSA can I get for Depression?

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available to UK students with learning difficulties and impacted disabilities. Depression is a mental health condition which is classed as an eligible diagnosis for receiving DSA at university, but how much is offered to students struggling with this condition? With over 27% of students at university reporting […]

How to apply for DSA: A step by step guide

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available for students at university in the UK whose studying is impacted by one or more disabilities which they experience. DSA is funded on behalf of the UK government and can be awarded in a number of forms, such as grants, reimbursement for equipment, assistive technology […]