Interactive study materials made like magic with AI

Empower your students to generate perfect notes, interactive flashcards & AI chatbots from every class.

Useful for all, essential for some.

Learn how Jamworks uses AI to empower disabled & neurodivergent students to flourish & thrive.

Intelligent AI

Captures information that’s just been said

Allows students to mark and generate notes even if they zone out or lose concentration.

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Interactive AI

AI flashcards & class specific chatbots

Create magical learning experiences for your students with flashcards that link directly to lesson clips and AI chatbots trained exclusively on class content.

View AI generated study materials

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Inclusive AI

An accessible study tool like no other

Build an inclusive campus with next generation note taking and revision software empowering each and every student to feel that they belong.

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Useful for all, essential for some.

How does it work?

Ready to embrace the future of education? Read this carefully…


Records entire lectures, seminars & study meetings

Reduces stress and anxiety related to missing out / keeping up with the information being delivered.


Automatically detects topics & creates chapters

This makes it easy for your students to recap moments they didn’t understand or revisit topics they’re most interested in. Each chapter can be reviewed as a subtitled video clip, an audio snippet or an AI summary note.


Summarises each chapter & key points from the class

The transcript from each chapter is converted into a bite-sized summary note to aid with comprehension. Additionally, the AI generates a list of key points along with an explanation and some bullet points about each one.


Generates flashcard questions from the chapters

The Jamworks AI reverse engineers a question and answer from each chapter to aid with revision. Each interactive flashcard allows the student to check the answer and revisit the specific section of class where that topic was discussed.


Trains an AI chat bot exclusively on each class

Jamworks creates an AI chat bot that is trained exclusively on every class. This allows students to ask questions about the class – they may wish to repeatedly ask about topics they don’t understand (in a safe space without fear of embarrassment) or they may wish to explore in more depth the subjects that they were most interested in.

Jamworks syncs across all devices:

Mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop, web

Supports multiple languages

Jamworks supports transcription, automatic note taking, summarisation, flashcards, key points and chatbots in 26 languages.

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A screenshot of Jamworks in another language, potentially Korean!

Integrates with all major Learning Management Systems

Jamworks integrates with all the major Learning Management Systems and a range of assistive technology solutions and study tools to provide the best possible experience for your students.

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Available as individual licenses or site wide

Jamworks is available to purchase as individual licenses for the students who need it most or as a site wide license to support all learners and empower your inclusive campus.

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The most advanced AI learning platform on the planet


Both! Jamworks is available as individual, bulk or site-wide licenses.

Many of our AI features rely on the text generated from the transcript, which is why our transcription has to be as accurate as possible. Our audio goes through a number of processes before it even touches our transcription engine; background noise removal, tonal boosting and keyword detection to ensure that your transcript is as accurate as possible.

Yes! Jamworks supports 26 languages:

  • Chinese
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (Australia, UK, India, New Zealand & US)
  • Flemish
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Tamil
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

The chatbot is completely safe, it is trained to be an educational assistant and to only work with the content that has been delivered in classes. It will not generate essays, form opinions or be inappropriate in any way! All information is anonymised too! 

Almost, you can ask the chatbot questions based on the content that has been recorded. So while you can ask the chatbot anything, it will only form answers based on the users unique content.

We’re incredibly proud of our live captions with an average 95% word accuracy rate. Our live captions go through 2 processes; caption what it hears and then caption what it understands so the sentences will always make sense and be on topic.

Most likely, Jamworks has integrations with Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard and  Brightspace. But if you’re using a different VLE we can work to integrate with this during your pilot.

It’s so much more than a mobile app. Jamworks is a desktop, tablet and web application.

Get all of these features at your educational institution.

AI is here to stay. Jamworks is useful for everybody and essential for some. Start building your inclusive campus with Jamworks today!

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