Support students who don’t qualify for DSA

Get discounted licenses to support disabled and neurodivergent students who do not qualify for DSA funding.

Jamworks is the most advanced assistive tech software for note taking and revision.

What does Jamworks Notes do?

How does it support students with additional needs?


Records entire lectures, seminars & study meetings.
Reduces stress and anxiety related to missing out / keeping up with the information being delivered.
An illustrated figure of a male student recording a class on his laptop


Takes audio, video & speech to text notes at the touch of a button.
Enables students to take notes in a format accessible to them, simply selecting the Highlight button rather than attempting to write and listen at the same time.


Captures information that’s just been said.
Allows students to mark and generate notes even if they zone out or lose concentration.


Generates AI summary notes.
Makes complicated information more manageable to aid comprehension and revision.


Generates AI flashcard quizzes.
Provides structure and motivation for students to revise and test their knowledge on important topics.

Request a free demo account to try Jamworks Notes.

Jamworks Captions has all the features of Jamworks Notes PLUS live captioning
Live captions enable deaf and hard of hearing students to interpret the spoken word in lectures, seminars and study meetings.
Over 256,000 UK disabled students do not receive support from the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).
Support the 70% of disabled students who do not get DSA

Jamworks licenses are perfect for Disability Services, Student Support, Academic Skills & Wellbeing teams who who wish to support disabled and neurodivergent students, such as:

  • International students
  • Disabled students who do not have medical proof
  • Disabled students who are daunted by the application process
Who is Jamworks for?

Jamworks can help each and every student take better notes, build better knowledge and get better grades. It is especially helpful for:

  • Dyslexic students
  • Students with ADD/ADHD
  • Students who experience stress & anxiety
  • Students with a physical disability
  • Deaf & hard of hearing students (Jamworks Captions)

“Jamworks saved my degree! I feel lucky to be a student at a time when technology like Jamworks is making study more accessible for me.”

Megan, University of Winchester


Jamworks Notes

Supports students with a wide range of disabilities and specific learning difficulties

  • Records lectures
  • Takes audio + text notes at the touch of a button
  • Summarises key information
  • Generates flashcards to aid revision

Jamworks Captions

Supports hard of hearing or deaf students

  • Provides live captions
  • Records lectures
  • Takes audio + text notes at the touch of a button
  • Summarises key information
  • Generates flashcards to aid revision

Interested in loaning Jamworks to students while they apply for DSA?

Learn about managed licenses

Take a tour of Jamworks!

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