Dedicated support for disabled & neurodivergent students applying for DSA
• Personal mentorship and study skills training
• Specialist hardware (laptops, printers, voice recorders, etc.)
• Specialist software for things like note taking, revision,
organisation (Jamworks Pro, Booost, Present Pal, etc.)
Step 1 – Fill out the DSA application form as part of your student finance application.
Step 2 – Obtain and submit evidence of your diagnosed disability.
Step 3 – Attend your assessment.
Step 4 – Review your offers and wait for your DSA haul to come in.
In the Jamworks DSA Community you’ll find dozens of other students going through the process to support you every step of the way!
Jamworks is the most advanced note taking and revision software on the planet.
Ask for it in your DSA assessment. It has been approved by SFE for all disabled and neurodivergent students who experience stress, anxiety or challenges around note taking and revision.
Don’t worry, fill out this form with any questions and we’ll get back to you ASAP
Enter your name and email address below and you’ll have an access link straight in your inbox.