Getting ready for university halls


It is that time of the year when university students are getting ready to pack all their belongings and head off to university. The majority of first years usually end up in student halls, some will be owned by private or owned by the university. To save all your worries, carry on reading to find […]

How to make the most of living at home during university


So you’ve just got your results and you have successfully gained your place at university! Despite all the celebrations and enjoyment, you start getting a little worried because you know you are going to be living at home during university whilst lots of other students are moving out of home and living together. Definitely do […]

University Checklist


It’s Results Day! For those of you receiving your results today, a big well done for all your accomplishments! If your next step is university then there may be lots of new things jumping into your head. You may be thinking about packing and about your new room mates. It can become a little stressful […]

All things Clearing: How does it work


Clearing is a great way to make it to university if your exams didn’t exactly go the way you wanted, or if you did better than what you expected then you can change your course. It means that what you originally chose is not set in stone. What is clearing? Clearing is where universities offer […]

University Alumni perks

Graduates jumping for joy

After graduation, it can be quite daunting having to move on from student life and fend for yourself. If you are struggling to find the perfect job for yourself or you are still deciding which masters course you want to take, then you can still reach out to your university for help with this. Now […]

What I would do differently during my time at university


Having almost finished another year at university, I wanted to talk about all of the things that I wish I had done differently so you can avoid the same mistakes I made! Being the first sibling in my family to attend university, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Not only do […]

What to do when your results don’t go to plan


It is about a month to go till A Level results day! This day can bring about a range of different emotions, with friends getting into their dream universities or apprenticeships, and some friends hitting their targets or achieving even more than their targets. The difficult part comes when your results do not go exactly […]

Preparing for the change from college to university


Making the move from college or sixth form to university can be quite tricky at first. There will be lots of differences that you will need to adjust to. If at any point these changes start to get a bit too overwhelming then just remember there are lots of options you can use for support! […]

How to make your student loan last over summer


When you get your student loan, it is certainly one of the best days of term. You feel like you can finally buy that ever-growing wish list. However, during the summer term, it is important to be able to make that loan last. Unfortunately, it’s usually a term where you have the opportunity to spend […]

The benefits of volunteering after university


Volunteering brings a bucket load of benefits so why not take some of your free time over summer and pick up some opportunities. There are lots of different types of volunteering so all you have to do is find the right activity for you and you will most likely really enjoy it! When you’ve got […]