Recommending Jamworks for note taking – practical insights for DSA assessors

A banner with the JamAI robot and a list of features related to AI in Education that simplify note taking. Features listed are: Automatic Highlights, Quiz, Transcripts, Key Points & Chat Bot.

As a needs assessor you must be constantly looking for the best note taking tools to help disabled students achieve the grades they deserve. We’ve identified three key scenarios where recommending Jamworks can significantly improve the learning experience for disabled students. By understanding these use cases, you can confidently recommend Jamworks whenever you encounter a […]

How Jamworks supports independent learning for students with ADHD?

anxious female student sat at desk with notebook

Lectures move fast—sometimes too fast for students with ADHD. With no option to pause or rewind, the constant stream of information can be overwhelming, making it difficult to stay focused and retain key points. This can lead to feelings of frustration and stress. This is why fostering independence in learning is important for ADHD students. […]

The truth about AI-generated notes: 4 myths—busted!

A screenshot of Jamworks app that displays automatic AI generated notes.

Have you ever heard that AI-generated notes are unreliable or impersonal? Well, it’s time to set the record straight.  Let’s bust some myths about AI-generated notes and show how Jamworks is changing the game—especially for students who need extra support for note taking.  Myth #1: AI-generated notes are inaccurate “Can AI really capture everything I […]

How Jamworks helps ADHD students overcome working memory challenges?

student sitting and looking at her laptop looking stressed out

Ever had one of those days where your to-do list feels like a blur? Now imagine being a student with ADHD, where that feeling can sometimes be a frequent experience—especially during lectures. For some students with ADHD, working memory challenges can make it feel as though information is slipping through their fingers, which can lead […]

Simplify your note taking routine with Jamworks

A banner with the JamAI robot and a list of features related to AI in Education that simplify note taking. Features listed are: Automatic Highlights, Quiz, Transcripts, Key Points & Chat Bot.

Keeping up with lectures, taking detailed notes, and staying organised can often feel like juggling flaming torches. For many students, especially those with disabilities, the challenge of effective note taking in real-time can lead to stress and missed details. Jamworks generates highly detailed and well-structured text and audio notes from every class, empowering students to […]

Why Jamworks is the perfect study tool for International Students

Studying at university in the UK as an international student is an amazing experience; you get the opportunity to explore a new country, improve your English language skills, meet new people from all across the world, all while studying a subject you love. Being an international student at university can be a more challenging experience […]

Best note taking apps for college students

three laptops on a table with notebooks and drinks

If you’re exploring note taking apps for college students, we’ve compiled a simple list for you.  As a college student, it can be essential to have an efficient and easy-to-use note taking tool. However, each note taking app offers a unique set of features that are ideal for different users and use cases. Some might […]

How to study for exams with Jamworks – Boost knowledge & wellbeing in exam season

It’s almost exam season which means for us students stress levels are rising and we need all the study support we can get! Many university students benefit from using assistive technology software such as Jamworks during lectures to take notes and record study content. However, did you know that you can also use Jamworks during […]

The best AI prompts for students – Make the most of JamAI

The introduction of AI study technology has improved the way that students can study and learn at university. AI prompts for students can help you understand complex topics, creative revision materials and ultimately achieve better grades.   JamAI is an AI chatbot feature integrated within the Jamworks app which students can use to aid their […]

Jamworks vs Glean vs Caption.ED – Compare DSA Note Taking Tools

two females and a male in a wheelchar sitting at a desk with papers and devices

Accessible note taking solutions can be essential for helping students overcome barriers to learning. In this blog, we’ll be comparing Jamworks vs Glean vs Caption.ED to help you make an informed decision when searching for the most suitable note taking tool.  All students can benefit from note taking tools that record and transcribe lectures and […]