Welcome to Jamworks!

Let's get started

Jamworks writes your notes, creates your flashcards and answers your questions.

Join the world’s most advanced AI study tool!

Save time

Study stress free

Get better grades

Step 1: Log in via your LMS

To begin using Jamworks and its AI features, all you have to do is navigate to your Institution’s LMS. Go to the Jamworks section as directed by your institution, and you will be asked to log in to Jamworks. 

moodle logo
A screenshot of Jamworks app that displays automatic AI generated notes.

Step 2: Enter your credentials

Simply enter the same credentials that you used to sign in to your LMS and you will  be logged into your Jamworks account.

Step 3: Your account is now ready to use

Now you’ve set up your account, you can start accessing our AI materials

Feature demonstrations

Key Points

Flashcards / JamQuiz

Accessibility Adjustments

JamAI Chatbot

Jamworks & Panopto

You're all set!

Have any questions? Feel free to book in a call using the button below to chat to a member of our team.


Check out our FAQ page, or chat to us using our chat support.

Want more info on Jamworks?

Jamworks is an AI tool that will support you with AI summaries, flashcards, and an AI chatbot.

Take a tour of Jamworks!

Enter your name and email address below and you’ll have an access link straight in your inbox.