The Best Study Apps for International Students
Being a student at university can be hard; there are so many new experiences to be faced such as moving away from home and navigating life on your own for the first time. Some might find these experiences difficult, but being an international student unlocks a whole load of extra challenges to face. As an […]
How to ace your dissertation in final year
Many undergrad degrees at university have the requirement of a dissertation or a research business project at the tail end of your course. Now at first, this can seem extremely scary but with the support of your tutors and proper planning you will be able to ace your dissertation! You may think you have no […]
How to create a student meal plan
When it comes down to your meals as a student, the easiest option is to grab a takeaway or put some beans on toast for ease. The only problem is, these options can either be very expensive, or not the healthiest option. Living the university lifestyle means it is so important to try and stay […]
Decorating your university room on a budget
Decorating your university room on a budget Decorating your new university room is something lots of people look forward to… however you can rack up some large sums of money trying to get it to look the way you want. Here are some budget friendly ideas and tips to achieve your desired university but […]
Top tips for 1st semester
Whether you are just starting university in your first year, or if you are getting ready for your last, these tips will help you get prepared and ready for your 1st Semester of the year! Starting university for the first time can bring lots of challenges. Every single person that attends university will have a […]
Finding your preferred study method when starting university
The jump from studying at school to studying at university or as an apprentice can be huge. Different things are expected of you so you need to learn how you best revise. This might be very different to the methods your friends might be using! So if something works for them and not for you […]
Tools to use as an Auditory Learner
When it comes to studying at university, knowing what style of learner you are can be a massive help as you can adapt your methods to your advantage. Today I am going to be looking at what it means to be an Auditory Learner and examine the tools available to achieve the best results in […]
Kitchen Tips for Freshers
Starting university and realising that you have total control over the food you buy and the meals you make can be exciting, but also scary. Especially when you potentially will be sharing a kitchen will other students who you have never met before. You may have heard a few horror stories about student kitchens, but […]
University freshers’ myths
When you first start university there will be lots of university myths and rumors floating about and the majority of them will not be true! Some will be easy to recognise but others not so much so watch out for what is true and what isn’t! Most of them occur from living in halls. You […]
What support is available at university?
Starting university can be a duanting process but knowing that you have lots of support available can be a huge relief. University can support you in lots of ways not just accademically. Support can come in different forms including in person one to one sessions, group sessions and online sessions. In fact, if you have […]