Jamworks unveils interactive, secure and scalable course content delivery

Jamworks is the new name of Echoist! We have rebranded to better reflect our recent developments and collaborative direction. The newly branded company has a mission statement that reads “to revolutionise the way that students relive their lecture content”. This means creating interactive online learning experiences for students through audio-visuals, which can be accessed anywhere in the world. Along with being interactive, secure and scalable, it also offers control over rich media – so lectures are not only accessible but engaging too.

With this technology, the person no longer needs to worry about missing essential information because of note taking. They can stay focused on what is being said without having to stop writing every few seconds just to catch up with the professor’s words. This allows them to get more out of their class time by listening.

The human brain is limited in its ability to process information. It’s understandable, then, that people often need to go back and review what they missed through revision – which requires notes. But are we making a mistake by putting thinking off until later? Is it smart or optimal for learning?  There is an increasing number of studies suggesting that artificial intelligence has a lot more potential than we originally thought. One such study found that AI can be used for future planning, scheduling, and even storytelling! With these findings in mind, it seems clear that this technology will have significant implications on the way we learn–and think.

With the advent of technology and digitising everything, it is very important to keep in mind that students need to be able to learn with a focus on the future. There has been an upsurge in recent years with artificial intelligence (AI). Jamworks believes that there should be a better way for students to engage fully, think critically, collaborate confidently and know they can revisit all of the key materials and points covered in a highly efficient and effective manner when they need them.

In a world where media consumption has become so much more immersive and interactive than ever before, it’s time for education to catch up! Jamworks offers a range of features that are designed to make your courses easier and more engaging for students – Whether you’re in the classroom or remote, the Jamworks mobile application mimics the desktop Widget and is packed with features. The app has three distinct tracking options – Highlight, Trackback and Point of interest which can be used to capture anything from lectures to drawings on any device. When you download our application today, students will get free access to all of these features for life.

We want every student in the world to have access to this revolutionary app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play store now! All we ask is that you spread the word as much as possible within your student groups. Share your content, take notes like you’ve never taken notes before (without the notebook) and give us feedback whenever you can.

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