How much DSA do you get for Dyslexia?

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available to UK students with learning difficulties and impacted disabilities. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which is classed as an eligible diagnosis for receiving DSA at university, but how much is offered to students struggling with this condition? How does Dyslexia impact a student’s learning and ability […]
Why Jamworks is students’ favourite Technology Enhanced Learning tool

Technology Enhanced Learning is an approach to study at university that is becoming more utilised year after year. There are a number of reasons for this, with the main points being that technology enhanced learning provides many opportunities and additional benefits to students to achieve an improved learningexperience. In my first year of university, I […]
Tools to use as an Auditory Learner

When it comes to studying at university, knowing what style of learner you are can be a massive help as you can adapt your methods to your advantage. Today I am going to be looking at what it means to be an Auditory Learner and examine the tools available to achieve the best results in […]
How different types of learners use a range of study methods

By the time you get to university, studying feels like something us students having been doing our whole lives, yet it seems everyone approaches it quite differently. The reasoning behind this is that there are four main types of learners which people can suit, based on how their brain processes information. So what are these […]