Memory boosting techniques for exams


When it comes to exams, the main thing to work on is remembering all the information you have been taught over the past year. This can be extremely hard considering the amount of content you have gone through! Exam season can be a tough time, so finding techniques to help you with your revision process […]

How to prepare for offer holder open days


So, it’s around 6 months before you start your new university course! If you have applied to a few different universities and been offered a place, you will have to confirm your firm and insurance choices. When you have made these choices, you will most likely get invited to an offer holder open day. This […]

Which university accommodation is right for you?


Finding accommodation at university can be a little overwhelming at first and you might not know all  of your options. So I have put together a few tips to help you get started! Types of accommodation: There are different types of accommodation you can live in when you arrive at university. Different types are more […]

Graduate job interview: How to ace it!


If you are coming to the end of your university degree and the next step is finding a job then you are in the right place! The application process for to get a graduate job interview can be quite stressful at times… believe me I know. If you manage to make it far enough and […]

What should university students be doing in semester 3?


So, we are coming up to the last semester of the year! Whether you’re in 1st, 2ndor 3rd year (or any other year) there will be lots of things going on, never mind the stress of exams and deadlines. Therefore, it can sometimes be hard to keep up and stay on top of everything. I […]

How to write a personal statement for university (undergrad and postgrad)


What is a personal statement? A personal statement is something that you need to include in your application for your undergrad degree, and the majority of postgrad degrees. It is around 300 – 400 words long (you will be given a limited number of characters) and you need to include a certain amount of information […]

How different types of learners use a range of study methods

By the time you get to university, studying feels like something us students having been doing our whole lives, yet it seems everyone approaches it quite differently. The reasoning behind this is that there are four main types of learners which people can suit, based on how their brain processes information. So what are these […]

Why you should consider a master’s degree


A master’s degree is something that not a lot of students consider after their Bachelor’s degree, but it is a great option to consider! There are so many benefits that come with doing a master’s degree. It also means you get to live the student life a little longer! You can do a master’s degree […]

Apprenticeships vs University


Knowing what you want to do after you leave school can be a very tricky decision. Two of the main options that students pick are university or an apprenticeship. But knowing which one is right for you can be a little hard. They are both great options, so it just depends which option is more […]

How to pick a society at university

Societies are a huge part of university, and the great thing is that they are something that everyone and anyone can get involved in. Whether it’s your course society or a hobby society, there will 100% be something for you! One of my biggest regrets is not joining a society sooner so make the most […]