Study Accommodations for Dyslexia

dyslexia written on different coloured squares with an illustration of a brain

Dyslexia is a condition which affects a person’s understanding of sound structure in language, verbal memory and processing speed. Dyslexic students can face a number of challenges in classes in relation to spelling, reading, language and literacy. It’s vital that study accommodations for dyslexia are made available to students with the condition in order to […]

Celebrities with Dyslexia – educating, raising awareness & supporting neurodiversity

Jo Rees Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a condition which affects a person’s understanding of sound structure in language, verbal memory and processing speed. Dyslexia is classed as a disability in the UK as it causes a person to experience substantial effects and impairments that negatively impact their ability to function in day-to-day life. It is estimated that 1 in […]