Why Jamworks is the perfect study tool for International Students

Studying at university in the UK as an international student is an amazing experience; you get the opportunity to explore a new country, improve your English language skills, meet new people from all across the world, all while studying a subject you love. Being an international student at university can be a more challenging experience than native students experience due to the added complexities faced in education. I’ve reviewed many of the pain points which international students struggle with to come up with the perfect study tool to make the revision experience as effective and easy as possible!


What is Jamworks? 

Jamworks is assistive technology software which works with AI to generate efficient and informative notes and study resources for students at university. The Jamworks app is available on both mobile and desktop devices for easy access to studying anytime, anywhere. Jamworks is the perfect revision tool for international students because each AI study feature available within the app supports a different challenge which you may struggle with when studying in a language that is not native to you. Let’s have a look at these different AI features to see how each one supports your learning as an international student in different ways!


Features of the Jamworks app which support international students


Automatic Highlights

You can use Jamworks to record all of your lectures by starting a session in the app. AI is used here to detect topic changes in the lecture content, and automatically creates highlight clips of the information that will need to be learned and reflected on during revision. At the end of your lecture, end the session and your recording will be processed and uploaded to the recordings tab. Here you will be able to access all of your automatic highlight clips and watch/listen back to them without having to rewatch the entire recording to access the relevant learning content. This feature supports the learning of international students as it breaks the lecture down into sections which are most important, eliminating unnecessary content and making it easier to understand. 


AI Transcript and Live Captioning

For each lecture session, alongside the automatic highlights the Jamworks app will use AI to generate an entire transcript of the recording. Jamworks supports speech recognition and full AI functionality in dozens of languages which international students can use to access speech-to-text transcripts and video captions instantly after lectures are recorded. The AI-powered engine takes less than 60 seconds to process 60 minutes of audio and learns new course-specific words and phrases with every use.


AI Summaries 

While it can be helpful to have an entire transcript, a lot of the time international students will benefit more from summarised paragraphs of text to revise large volumes of content in smaller quantities. Luckily, Jamworks AI Summaries are a tool which offer this feature exactly! Below each automatic highlight clip, there will be a “show summary” button (if eligible) where the clip will be summarised by AI to explain the point of this highlight to the student in a simplified format. AI Summaries can support the learning of international students at university as many non-native speakers may struggle to analyse text and form summaries themselves in addition to translating the content. 


Screenshots of active recall using Jam QuizAI Flashcards/revision quizzes

When you’re revising for exams, the Jamworks AI Flashcards and revision quizzes feature is a game-changer for international students studying at university! This is a study tool which uses AI to analyse the content from your lecture recording and produces relevant questions for you to test your knowledge of different points from the subject. You can view the answer by either revealing the text, or watching the highlight clip which the question originated from. As an international student it can be time consuming to write out flashcards by hand and come up with the right questions to revise from, so using the AI Flashcards feature not only saves time but also effort.


Key Points

The Jamworks Key Points feature is a great balance in between both the AI Transcript feature and AI Summaries feature. It provides you with bullet points of the key points from the lecture recording, in a simplified, easy to read format, without being summarised into a  minimal sentence or two. This feature works particularly well when you may be writing an assignment and want to touch on aspects of information from a lecture recording without going into too much depth. It’s a great study tool for international students because again it saves time from writing notes by hand as it is providing you with automated notes. It also avoids the struggle that comes with translation and analysing large portions of text from the transcript.


JamAI Tutor

JamAI is a personal tutor chatbot that answers questions about your lectures. It’s a 24/7 study buddy that will help explain everything that your lecturer says in any way that you ask it to. And, unlike ChatGPT, you can trust the answers it gives because they are always linked to your lecture recordings. You can communicate with JamAI in over 70 different languages, with the ability to translate your notes and provide you with further information relating to your lectures in any language that you ask it to. You can read more here about how to use JamAI to study in your native language as an international student at university. 


Accessibility Profiles 

With a Jamworks account, students can use the wide range of accessibility profiles within the app which can be adjusted to support their individual needs and remove barriers to their learning. The Accessibility Profiles feature supports international students who may be disabled/neurodivergent, and can also be a form of aiding language support. In relation to studying through a non-native language such as English, the ADHD-friendly profile may provide learning support as it helps to improve focus levels and prevents students from becoming distracted from other areas visible to them on screen. When studying through a different language, large portions of text can seem overwhelming and cause feelings of stress, but by using this feature you can focus on one section at a time to make the learning experience more enjoyable. 


Studying as an international student at university is an experience which differs from native students due to experiencing language barriers and culture differences. Using the Jamworks app as a study tool can help to give you the opportunity to get better grades, understand your lecture content better and save time during revision sessions. The app offers so many forms of learning support through the use of AI features, so why not make use of the perfect tool available to you as an international student at university? 


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