How to live off your student loan
The jump from living with your parents to living individually can be difficult. Learning how to budget your own money and not spend it all in one go can be challenging when you get a student loan! A part of the university experience is being able to learn more about money and how you should manage it. Spending your own […]
Top 10 discounts and freebies exclusively for students
Becoming a student can come with many pros and cons. One of the biggest advantages is the crazy amount of student discounts you can get! These discounts range from things that you will need for university, to clothes shop to food and travel discounts. You can also get lots of free trials and free […]
5 student friendly meals: easy and healthy
It is almost that time for university students to start moving into their new homes! How exciting! However, independent living means doing all of the house chores yourself… which includes the cooking. Many students rock up to university having never cooked properly before. So, I wanted to introduce you to 5 easy student friendly meals. […]
The Ultimate Guide to surviving in halls at university
Living on your own away from your parents for the first time can be a little intimidating. For some, moving out of your family home can be exhilarating! You can now live independently without having to follow any house rules. You get to live how you want to live. For others it may be a […]
10 hacks you need to know before University
Moving to a new city and starting fresh at university (or commuting to university) can be a crazy time! You will be feeling a whole range of emotions. When the nerves start to kick in it can be easy to forget the small important things that you need to do. So lucky for you I […]
Freshers Week: What is it? Why is it important?
About to start University and all you keep hearing about is freshers’ week? When you arrive, there will probably be lots of posters and talk from your flatmates about it. Keep reading to find out what exactly happens during freshers’ week, along with the importance of it. Including 6 of the MOST important tips for […]
A Beginners Guide: How to become a Student Influencer
So, you are a student and love social media? Then why not make a bit of money out of it! Social media advertising is becoming much bigger and brands love student influencers. If their product or services are relevant to students, then who else is better to promote than you, another student. You could create […]
University checklist: What to take to Uni?
So, you have just sorted your university accommodation and you are wondering: What do I take to Uni? A university checklist would be helpful wouldn’t it? Well do not fret! Having just graduated after a 3-year course I can tell you everything you need and don’t need to take to university. I have included some […]
Content, Collaboration, Communication: The new focus for Jamworks
What is Jamworks? Welcoming Jamworks… the all-new student technology that will change the way you study. It is an amazing platform aimed at students offering multiple features that will enhance your time in education. Oh.. and it’s totally FREE! Jamworks is your own personal note taker, how cool is that! It helps you relive your […]
‘I wanted more memories’: young people reflect on a year lost to Covid
Delays at critical life stages: from starting college and internships; to searching for work or starting a family have caused chaos for young people. Here are their stories For Timothy Chang, 21 was supposed to be a seminal year. He couldn’t wait for his college graduation, surrounded by friends and family, and was looking forward […]