How Jamworks helps ADHD students overcome working memory challenges?

Ever had one of those days where your to-do list feels like a blur? Now imagine being a student with ADHD, where that feeling can sometimes be a frequent experience—especially during lectures. For some students with ADHD, working memory challenges can make it feel as though information is slipping through their fingers, which can lead to moments of overwhelm and frustration.

Understanding working memory challenges in ADHD Students

Working memory can be thought of as the brain’s sticky note—it holds onto information temporarily while we follow instructions or recall key points. However, for some students with ADHD, that sticky note might lose its grip more quickly. Distractions and intrusive thoughts can, at times, make it difficult to retain and organise information during lectures, which may lead to challenges with focus and occasional feelings of being overwhelmed. 

A 2011 study found that some students with ADHD showed lower brain activity in areas responsible for working memory tasks. This suggests that staying focused can sometimes require extra effort to absorb and retain information. Imagine trying to concentrate on a lecture while also managing distractions—it’s understandable that this could feel overwhelming at times.

The challenges of note taking for ADHD students

  • Information overload – Fast-paced lectures can overwhelm students with ADHD as they struggle to absorb and retain key details. 
  • Difficulty organising thoughts – Even when they capture information, structuring it into coherent notes can feel like an uphill battle. 
  • Lack of retention – Important details slip away shortly after learning, leading to frustration and the need to revisit material multiple times.

Here’s where Jamworks makes all the difference

  • Automatic Highlights: Jamworks captures and highlights important moments from lectures automatically, allowing students to focus on the class without the pressure of manually noting everything down. This feature ensures that no crucial information slips through the cracks.
  • Key Points: Jamworks organises lecture content into well-structured, easy-to-review notes. This reduces the mental load of organising thoughts and helps students stay on top of their studies, making it easier to absorb and retain information.
  • JamQuiz: Interactive flashcards with detailed explanations, generated from lecture recordings, help reinforce important concepts. These flashcards boost retention without overwhelming students, making study sessions more effective and less stressful. 

Empowering ADHD students with Jamworks

Jamworks is more than just a note taking tool—it’s a comprehensive solution designed to empower students with ADHD by helping them overcome the unique challenges they face in their academic journey. With Jamworks, students can focus on learning and participating in class, knowing that the key details are being captured, organised, and reinforced in ways that support their learning style.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Jamworks can empower DSA students with ADHD, feel free to reach out. 

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