Summer is finally here! All your exams and deadlines are over, and it is time to take a break. But 3 months off university and being study-free is quite a while. You’re more than likely going to get a little bored during the next 3 months so why not try and make the most of your summer? There are various things you can try out depending on what is best for you and what you fancy doing!

Part-time jobs

Getting a part-time job is a great way to make good use of your time and start saving up for your next year at university. This will be a massive help and may even mean that you don’t need to work by the time you get to university.

Lots of businesses will be looking for students returning home to take over from the students they took on at the start of the year. So, try reaching out to a few of these businesses if you know of any. Alternatively, if you had a part-time job back at home before you came to university it may be worth seeing if they will take you back on.


Volunteering is not only a great thing to take part in, but it also looks great on your CV. Try and reach out to your local community or your local church and see if they have any volunteering opportunities that you are interested in. For example, if you like pets, then reached out to your nearest pet shop or RSPCA and see if they have any volunteering opportunities to walk the dogs or feed the animals, etc.

Work abroad

If you are looking to make a bit of money but you don’t want a boring part-time job, then see what’s available to you abroad. There are multiple programs that take on students in their summer break. For example, you could work as a club promoter in places like Zante or Magaluf. Or if you would prefer something I bit more chill then apply to work at a summer camp in America.

There are lots of different companies that run internship programs aboard, the only thing is, sometimes the cost of the program is more than what you would earn so it depends how much you would need the money.

Work experience

Work experience is one of the most useful things you can do over summer. It is possible to secure a paid internship that lasts around 2-12 weeks, but if you don’t want to do something this long then see if you can get some unpaid experience. This means you won’t be set to a specific schedule, and you can gain experience around you and your current activities.

Take a break

A good break is very much needed and well deserved after you complete all your exams and deadlines. So do make sure to take some time to yourself and spend time with your family and friends.

Take a holiday abroad with friends or family and getting away is always a good idea! Or head down to your nearest beach and spend the day there when the weather is good.


Of course, in order to travel you need to have got some money together. What’s great is that travelling doesn’t need to be a lengthy stay in several countries and even better summer is long. Therefore, you can work a small job at the start of summer and then towards the back end of summer you can use that to take a short break maybe exploring some of Europe.

Try and join some travel groups on Facebook if you are struggling to find people to go with. If you have previously saved enough money and you plan to travel for the majority of your summer then it can be tricky finding someone with the funds and the time to go with you. So, Facebook groups are great for this! Lots of other students are in the same situation as you, so find someone who want to go to the same places as you.

Alternativity, if you end up working abroad, try traveling after your work period is finished. Of course, you’ll need to double check if you can do this if you’re in a country where you needed to get a visa.

Virtual internships

Virtual internships are a great way to add to your CV and get some extra well valued experience of what your industry is like. Loads of companies offer virtual internships and even better there are internships for most industries. What’s better about doing virtual internships is that you can manage them at your own pace. Then when you are done, get it on LinkedIn and show the industry professionals that you mean business!

Have a tidy out

I am sure whilst you have been at university you have bought more clothes and acquired some more bits and bobs. So, a great way to take up a bit of time is to tidy your room out when you get home. You could even put some of the bits you might be throwing out on sale using vinted, eBay or depop. It’s such an easy way to make a few extra pennies, who knows you might be able to use that to go on a short trip away! There are also charity shops who will be more than happy to take on some of your old possessions.

Final Thoughts

You get a good length of time off for summer as a university student so don’t waste it! There are so many things you can do. So, make the most of your time. Even if it is simply working a part-time job so you can save up a bit of money. You will thank yourself so much for this by the time you get to university! It may be the case that your summer may turn out a little bit boring as your home friends may be working or traveling so a part-time job may be perfect for you to cure the boredom. Alternatively, if it is your dream to travel then there’s no better time than now!