Why Jamworks is the perfect study tool for International Students

Studying at university in the UK as an international student is an amazing experience; you get the opportunity to explore a new country, improve your English language skills, meet new people from all across the world, all while studying a subject you love. Being an international student at university can be a more challenging experience […]

How to study for exams with Jamworks – Boost knowledge & wellbeing in exam season

It’s almost exam season which means for us students stress levels are rising and we need all the study support we can get! Many university students benefit from using assistive technology software such as Jamworks during lectures to take notes and record study content. However, did you know that you can also use Jamworks during […]

The best AI prompts for students – Make the most of JamAI

The introduction of AI study technology has improved the way that students can study and learn at university. AI prompts for students can help you understand complex topics, creative revision materials and ultimately achieve better grades.   JamAI is an AI chatbot feature integrated within the Jamworks app which students can use to aid their […]

Jamworks’ AI Tutor: The best AI chatbot for higher education

When you’re a student there is always more to learn and endless questions you can ask. The only problem is that lectures don’t last forever so students can miss out on opportunities to ask questions that hold the answers to better grades and learning experiences. Luckily, Jamworks have developed a valuable solution for this problem […]