Grants for Students with Disabilities – US College Scholarships

Are you a student with disabilities at college in the US ? Perhaps you are thinking of applying for college next year? If so, you may be interested to learn more about the grants for students with disabilities available to those studying at college in the US. College can be a more challenging and expensive […]
How to fill out the DSA1 form (step by step)

Are you a disabled/neurodivergent person applying for or attending university in the UK? If so, you could be eligible to receive DSA. Disabled Students’ Allowance is a non-repayable grant issued by the government to students whose learning is impacted by their disability/condition. There are two ways that you can apply for DSA; either through your […]
Why you should tell a friend to apply for DSA

Disabled Students’ Allowance is a non-repayable grant issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning is impacted by their condition or disability. You may have heard of the DSA programme before through your student finance application or from fellow students who have been offered support. And if this is your first time […]
How much DSA can I get for ADHD?

Disabled Students’ Allowance is a non-repayable grant issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning and studies are directly impacted by their condition or disability. ADHD is classed as a disability in the UK so is therefore a condition which is eligible for DSA funding. If you are a student with ADHD, […]
Is Dyslexia a disability in the UK?

What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a condition which affects a person’s understanding of sound structure in language, verbal memory and processing speed. This learning difficulty affects how those with the condition both read and spell, which can pose many challenges in day-today life as well as academic situations. Dyslexia does not affect intelligence, however the […]
How much DSA do you get for Dyslexia?

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available to UK students with learning difficulties and impacted disabilities. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which is classed as an eligible diagnosis for receiving DSA at university, but how much is offered to students struggling with this condition? How does Dyslexia impact a student’s learning and ability […]
Best Student Bank Accounts for studying in the UK

When students start studying at university, they are eligible to apply for a student bank account. But what is a student bank account, and why would one need to open a separate account from their current account? Today we will look at the answers to these questions, as well as determine the best bank account […]
Who is Eligible for DSA?

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available to students with disabilities, health problems and learning difficulties which is provided with the aim to aid students in the areas of which their studies are affected. It can be tricky to know who specifically is eligible for DSA as there are many factors to be […]
How to apply for DSA: A step by step guide

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available for students at university in the UK whose studying is impacted by one or more disabilities which they experience. DSA is funded on behalf of the UK government and can be awarded in a number of forms, such as grants, reimbursement for equipment, assistive technology […]