Is ADHD a Disability in the UK?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition which causes changes in behaviour amongst both adults and children. There are a number of potential causes linked to the origin of a diagnosis, however it can occur in people of any ability. ADHD is classed as a disability in the UK and today we will look […]
Tips to tell a friend to help de-stress them before a deadline
Deadlines can create a lot of stress and when you are at university or college you can see how much this affects your friends and classmates. If you see someone struggling and you want to help them out then take a look at theses top tips to tell a friend to help de-stress before their […]
How to avoid pre-seminar stress
Seminars can be a stumbling block for some people and if I’m honest there is valid reason behind it. It is totally understandable if you get this pre-seminar stress feeling before attending! There are many different reasons this could be the case, including: meeting new people, the unknown of your tutor, will you understand the […]
How much DSA do you get for Dyslexia?
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-repayable grant available to UK students with learning difficulties and impacted disabilities. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which is classed as an eligible diagnosis for receiving DSA at university, but how much is offered to students struggling with this condition? How does Dyslexia impact a student’s learning and ability […]
Best Student Bank Accounts for studying in the UK
When students start studying at university, they are eligible to apply for a student bank account. But what is a student bank account, and why would one need to open a separate account from their current account? Today we will look at the answers to these questions, as well as determine the best bank account […]
Make the most of MOOCs with Jamworks
If you want to work on your CPD or simply do a bit of extra learning, then why not learn how to make the most of MOOCs! MOOCs are a great way to pass your time whilst building up your employable skills. Don’t forget to use Jamworks to get as much as possible out of […]
Why Jamworks is students’ favourite Technology Enhanced Learning tool
Technology Enhanced Learning is an approach to study at university that is becoming more utilised year after year. There are a number of reasons for this, with the main points being that technology enhanced learning provides many opportunities and additional benefits to students to achieve an improved learningexperience. In my first year of university, I […]
Why a Jamworks Pro account is an investment you need to make as a student
Student life is expensive, there’s no denying it, but what exactly are we choosing to spend our money on, and could we be opting for better investments? When we think about what students spend their money on, the typical things such as rent, tuition, bills, food and transport come to mind. These are then usually […]
Studying abroad in Europe vs studying in the US
If you are lucky enough to get the option to study abroad for a year during your degree – go for it! If this is something you know you want to do then make sure you apply to a university that offers this as part of the course. When it comes to deciding your location, […]
The value of extracurricular activities alongside your studies
Taking part in extracurricular activities alongside your studies is a great way to take a wind down. You can gain new skills, meet new people and have a bit of fun! Here are a few different ways you can make use of your study breaks: Learn the benefits of extracurricular activities here. Exercise You spend […]