Simplify your note taking routine with Jamworks

Keeping up with lectures, taking detailed notes, and staying organised can often feel like juggling flaming torches. For many students, especially those with disabilities, the challenge of effective note taking in real-time can lead to stress and missed details. Jamworks generates highly detailed and well-structured text and audio notes from every class, empowering students to focus and engage with the lecture or seminar. 

Here’s how Jamworks can transform your academic experience through enhanced note taking:

Automated note taking for stress-free learning

It can sometimes be hard to keep your notes organised during lectures, especially when it feels like the information is coming at you faster than you can type. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed trying to listen, take notes, and somehow keep everything organised at the same time.

That’s where Jamworks steps in to help you with structured note taking. All you have to do is record your lecture, and once the lecture is uploaded to your Jamworks account, Automatic Highlights will break down the lecture recording by automatically detecting changes in lecture topics. This process transforms your notes into small, organised chunks, each with a clear heading, a brief note, and a full transcription. This way, you don’t have to stress about keeping your notes in order while you’re focused on the lecture.

When you go back to study, you will find everything neatly organised—ready to help you make sense of it all. No more scrambling to understand disorganised notes or missing out on important information. With Jamworks, you can focus on understanding the lecture in real-time, knowing that your note taking is well-organised and ready for you when you need it.

Key Points – making note taking effortless

Keeping up with a lecture while taking notes can be really tough at times, especially when the information is complex and coming at you fast. Many students, particularly those with disabilities, can sometimes find it challenging to do both tasks effectively—leading to missed details and disorganised notes.

That’s where Jamworks’ Key Points comes in to simplify your note taking. Instead of stressing about getting everything down on paper while trying to keep up, Key Points takes care of the note taking for you. Here’s how:

  • Automatic summarisation: When you start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of notes you’ve taken, Key Points cuts through the noise by summarising the important information from your lectures into clear, organised notes. It pulls out the main ideas and important information, presenting them in a concise format that’s easy to digest.
  • Focused learning: With Key Points handling the note taking, you can really focus on what’s being said in the lecture without the pressure of having to write everything down. It lets you listen and participate fully, knowing that all the important details are being captured and organised for you in the background.
  • Easy review: Instead of dealing with a pile of notes, you’ll have everything you need organised and easy to review whenever you want. Whether you’re prepping for an exam or just going over the material, Key Points makes it simpler to find the important information from your lectures.

Key Points is all about making your study sessions more efficient, so you can spend less time stressing over notes and more time understanding the material.

Turn study notes into interactive flashcards

Studying for exams can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Jamworks’ AI Flashcards can make your study sessions easier and more effective.

These flashcards are more than just simple questions and answers—they’re personalised and come with detailed explanations based on your lecture notes. Each flashcard is linked directly to the relevant part of your lecture recording. So if you need more context or want to listen to exactly what was said about a topic, you can jump straight to that point in the recording without having to search through the entire lecture. Whether you’re starting your review early or need a last-minute cram session, these flashcards can help make the process smoother. Plus, research shows that using techniques like flashcards can really boost how well you remember things.

With Jamworks, you’re not just going through the motions—you’re effectively enhancing your note taking and memorising the material so that when exam time comes, you’ll be ready to recall what you need with confidence.

JamAI – Your personal tutor for smarter note taking

Sometimes, speaking up in class can feel really daunting. Whether it’s shyness, anxiety, or just not wanting to interrupt, it’s easy to hold back from asking questions when you need answers. It can be tough feeling lost but not wanting to raise your hand.

That’s where JamAI comes in. JamAI is an AI-powered tutor chatbot that lets you ask questions about your lecture content and get precise answers pulled directly from the lecture recording. So, if you’re going over your notes or replaying a lecture and something doesn’t quite click, JamAI is there to give you clear, detailed answers. You don’t have to sift through the entire lecture or worry about asking in front of the class.

With JamAI, you don’t have to stress about missing out on understanding just because you didn’t ask a question in class. It’s like having a personal tutor who’s always around to help you get the hang of things, so you never feel stuck or left out.

Jamworks offers a suite of features designed to make your note taking and study routine smoother and more manageable. From organising lecture notes to enhancing your study methods, these features are personalised to support you in achieving academic success.

If you think Jamworks could benefit your note taking, consider asking for it in your DSA assessment.

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