How to keep on top of your workload as a university student

student sitting and looking at her laptop looking stressed out

When the initial excitement of moving to university and experiencing freshers week has finally settled down and you reach mid semester, it’s normal to feel the stress begin to hit. Assignment deadlines begin to loom, your workshop partners aren’t pulling their weight on the group presentation and the maintenance loan is quickly disappearing from your […]

How to know if you’re eligible for DSA and how to provide evidence

Student with a laptop practising active recall

Are you a disabled/neurodivergent student at university in the UK? If so, you may be eligible for DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance), a non-repayable grant issued by the government to students whose disability/condition directly impacts their ability to study and learn at university. You can claim up to £25,000 worth of support through the DSA programme, […]

Why you should tell a friend to apply for DSA

female and male student sat a table with laptops open

Disabled Students’ Allowance is a non-repayable grant issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning is impacted by their condition or disability. You may have heard of the DSA programme before through your student finance application or from fellow students who have been offered support. And if this is your first time […]

Jamworks vs Peer Note Takers

student taking notes with notebook and laptop

Studying at college and university can be a challenging experience, and even more so for disabled and neurodivergent students. With over 10,000 students reporting having a disability at university, it is evident that provisions need to be available to support the learning of disabled students in order to provide more equal opportunities for all. A […]

How much DSA can I get for ADHD?

Disabled Students’ Allowance is a non-repayable grant issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning and studies are directly impacted by their condition or disability. ADHD is classed as a disability in the UK so is therefore a condition which is eligible for DSA funding. If you are a student with ADHD, […]

How to Stay Focused while Studying – Tips if you have a Poor Attention Span

anxious female student sat at desk with notebook

A poor attention span is a factor which affected my ability to study efficiently as a university student for a long time. That was until I learned how to stay focused while studying! The ability to focus and concentrate on lectures and revision is something which every student has struggled with at some point, whether […]

The Cheapest University in UK for International Students 2023

If you are interested in studying at university in the UK as an international student, it can be tricky to know how to get started with the process. There are many factors to consider when beginning to plan this next step in your life and it’s okay if it may seem overwhelming. Fees and funding […]

Get a Lecture Recorder: How to record class lectures in person and online

a laptop and ipad with a group call

Being a student in 2022 comes with the amazing benefit of being able to record lectures at university; something which most students didn’t have before the pandemic. There are many obvious benefits of why a lecture recorder is a valuable tool to have as a student, such as avoiding missing out on important content or […]

How to be a pro at colour-coded notes

close up of notes with colour-coded notes attached

If you want to ‘jazz up’ your study notes and find a new way of studying then try jumping on the colour-coded notes hype! Colour-coded notes are a great way to make your studies more fun and engaging whilst still getting everything done that needs to be revised. This method is great if you are […]

The best apps for taking notes in university

With many aspects of university converting to digital form (such as online lectures and meetings), it seems only fitting that we adapt our note taking as well. There are many apps available on the market which aim to assist students in capturing their lecture content digitally, but how do we know which to choose from? […]