Everything you need to know about DSA Laptops

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a grant that you don’t have to repay issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning at university is directly impacted by their condition and symptoms. The eligibility requirements are outlined here, where you can learn more about the types of disabilities which are eligible and how […]

DSA Equipment List

What is DSA? Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a grant that you don’t have to repay issued by the government to disabled and neurodivergent students whose learning at university is directly impacted by their condition and symptoms. The eligibility requirements are outlined here, where you can learn more about the types of disabilities which are eligible […]

Study Accommodations for Dyslexia

dyslexia written on different coloured squares with an illustration of a brain

Dyslexia is a condition which affects a person’s understanding of sound structure in language, verbal memory and processing speed. Dyslexic students can face a number of challenges in classes in relation to spelling, reading, language and literacy. It’s vital that study accommodations for dyslexia are made available to students with the condition in order to […]

The best AI prompts for students – Make the most of JamAI

The introduction of AI study technology has improved the way that students can study and learn at university. AI prompts for students can help you understand complex topics, creative revision materials and ultimately achieve better grades.   JamAI is an AI chatbot feature integrated within the Jamworks app which students can use to aid their […]

Grants for Students with Disabilities – US College Scholarships

Are you a student with disabilities at college in the US ? Perhaps you are thinking of applying for college next year? If so, you may be interested to learn more about the grants for students with disabilities available to those studying at college in the US. College can be a more challenging and expensive […]

Canada Student Grant for Disabled Student Support at University

canadian flag

Are you a disabled/neurodivergent university student in Canada? Perhaps you are thinking of applying for uni next year? If so, you may be interested to learn more about the disabled student support for university students in Canada. University can be a more challenging and expensive experience for disabled/neurodivergent students due to the additional time, energy, […]

Celebrities with Dyslexia – educating, raising awareness & supporting neurodiversity

Jo Rees Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a condition which affects a person’s understanding of sound structure in language, verbal memory and processing speed. Dyslexia is classed as a disability in the UK as it causes a person to experience substantial effects and impairments that negatively impact their ability to function in day-to-day life. It is estimated that 1 in […]

An Introvert’s Guide to University

How much is the DSA allowance: a female student holding her study materials

The purpose of going to university is predominantly to get a degree, or a qualification and learning experience to further your education. In addition to this, the concept of going to university is often showcased as an opportunity for young adults to meet new people, make friends, socialise and discover themselves. It’s an experience which […]

How to Stay Focused while Studying – Tips if you have a Poor Attention Span

anxious female student sat at desk with notebook

A poor attention span is a factor which affected my ability to study efficiently as a university student for a long time. That was until I learned how to stay focused while studying! The ability to focus and concentrate on lectures and revision is something which every student has struggled with at some point, whether […]